How many of us are looking for more success in some area of our lives?
We usually think that means money and that may be it in your case or it may be in some other area.
What is it for you? Do you really want it? Are you willing to pay a price for it?
Do you realize that you can't determine that price? If you try to bargain with the price of success, you will end up with an inferior product!
The trick is, to find out the price required for the full reward you are seeking and pay it! ASAP!
I've heard a lot of teaching on this topic over the years but only very recently have I learned what all of it really means!
It's very easy to talk in broad generalities about success. I've always known that I need to change myself or learn how to think differently. But change into what or think what?
I'll attempt to share an insight I've gained recently. Maybe it will help you gain some more clarity too!
You can succeed at whatever you choose!
Absolutely! But step #1...and you can't bargain with this one, is that you must be willing and even eager to change!
What we have done in the past has brought us to where we are today! It absolutely requires us to learn new ways of thinking that will change our actions!
We can't keep doing the same things and expecting life to turn out differently!
That's Crazy!!! In fact Albert Einstein called it "the definition of insanity!"
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