Most people would say that their family is right near the top of their priority list, right?
Is it working out the way you always envisioned it would?
If so, awesome! Maybe we can help you to refine it even further!
But if not, let's see if we can roll out the principles here that govern great marriage and family relationships!
A great marriage is not something you HAVE, it's something you DO!
Think about that! Have you ever heard the idea that the word love is actually a verb instead of a noun? It's something you do instead of something that happens to you. Do we treat our marriage as if it's just supposed to magically and romantically turn out great for the rest of our lives or are we committed to doing the work required to make great things happen?
If a great marriage is something you do instead of something you have, why didn't they give us a "How-To" manual with our marriage certificate? Also, why don't babies come with Instruction Books?
The Marriage and Family Mentoring Program will help you understand that even a great marriage can get better. But most importantly, by understanding some basic principles on how a healthy marriage functions, even the most troublesome or boring marriages can be fixed and brought back to a healthy, vigorous and enjoyable life!
We have also found that as we have raised our 8 kids, no 2 of them are alike enough that the same set of rules or strategies would work across the board. However we have discovered that there really are principles that govern their behavior too!
After years of searching for answers, we found that there's not just one simple fix to develop a great marriage and a great family.
We did find however, that it is possible to understand the dynamics of why each spouse and each child functions the way that they do!
When you finally begin to understand why you think and act the way you do and why your spouse seems totally different, you can learn to develop a more understanding heart and how to help them feel fulfilled in the relationship!
You can literally draw your spouse and children closer when you begin to understand who they are and how they actually function!
When they begin to feel their needs met once more, they'll most likely begin to go out of their way to fulfill yours!
That's a Win-Win situation!
A great marriage is really about serving each other and striving to meet the needs of your spouse. The problem is that all too often, because we don't understand each other, we don't know how to fill those needs!
Think about this. Have you ever tried to do something really nice for your spouse, maybe even something that you really put a lot of thought and effort into, only to have them not appreciate it? Or worse yet, to express anger or frustration about it?
Believe it or not, situations like this happen all too often in most marriages.
If we have a divorce rate that is somewhere near the 50% mark in our country, what does that tell us about how many truly great marriages exist out there?
If 50% of us are giving up and calling it quits, how many others are just taking an attitude of tolerance or an uneasy truce just for the sake of the kids or simply because we believe in honoring our commitments?
News flash - Marriage was meant to be a rich, rewarding and fulfilling experience! Notice we didn't say simple and easy! It really can be for everyone if we will get serious about learning and applying the principles that govern the dynamics of every relationship out there!
Our spouses are really not that difficult to understand if we will first realize that they just plain don't think the same way that we do! But each person has their own unique way of seeing the world and if we will learn some true principles, we can begin to see how they operate and appreciate the unique strengths that they bring to the relationship!
What happens normally is that, because nobody has ever taught us the basic principles of human relationships and interactions, we try to just slide right through life operating on the same level or with the same blueprint that we managed to get along with growing up at home. Usually, that just leaves us grasping at straws because this new person comes into the relationship with their own very unique background and mode of operation in place! Their own blueprint!
For this to make sense, suppose that 2 different people were assigned to build a house together. The only problem is that they were handed 2 different sets of blueprints to build it from!
Can you imagine the chaos? Think about the potential for conflict in that situation. Now think about this question. Which one of them would be right? And which one would be wrong? Is there really a correct answer to that?
Amazingly, that's exactly how most of us enter this game called marriage and family! Each with our own different set of blueprints! When we understand that and can then sit down together and compare notes, we are going to find that each set of prints has some really great features that we want to include in the finished product and that's when we can begin to understand why we are each seeing things so differently!
We really can show you how to lay each others set of prints out on the table so we can examine them in detail and really begin to understand what makes the other person tick!
Come and learn with a couple who has been blessed with a successful marriage but who has not been content to stop there! We wanted to find out why parts of our relationship were going well but others were definitely not.
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our relationship and ideas that we can share with others who want a better home life too!
There really are several basic principles that govern having a great marriage! The problem is that nobody has ever gathered them together to teach them to us in a way that is clear and effective!
That's our mission here at The Marriage and Family Mentoring Program! It really does MAKE SENSE!
If you have been intrigued by the discussion so far, take some time to dig into several of our older blog posts under the Family "category" on the right hand side bar where we discuss many of the different principles in more detail. If you find that helpful, then contact us about attending one of our Marriage and Family Mentoring Workshops or you can purchase the audio version of the workshop so that you can listen to it over and over again to be sure that you really grasp the principles that we teach!
A great marriage is not something you HAVE, it's something you DO!
Think about that! Have you ever heard the idea that the word love is actually a verb instead of a noun? It's something you do instead of something that happens to you. Do we treat our marriage as if it's just supposed to magically and romantically turn out great for the rest of our lives or are we committed to doing the work required to make great things happen?
If a great marriage is something you do instead of something you have, why didn't they give us a "How-To" manual with our marriage certificate? Also, why don't babies come with Instruction Books?
The Marriage and Family Mentoring Program will help you understand that even a great marriage can get better. But most importantly, by understanding some basic principles on how a healthy marriage functions, even the most troublesome or boring marriages can be fixed and brought back to a healthy, vigorous and enjoyable life!
We have also found that as we have raised our 8 kids, no 2 of them are alike enough that the same set of rules or strategies would work across the board. However we have discovered that there really are principles that govern their behavior too!
After years of searching for answers, we found that there's not just one simple fix to develop a great marriage and a great family.
We did find however, that it is possible to understand the dynamics of why each spouse and each child functions the way that they do!
When you finally begin to understand why you think and act the way you do and why your spouse seems totally different, you can learn to develop a more understanding heart and how to help them feel fulfilled in the relationship!
You can literally draw your spouse and children closer when you begin to understand who they are and how they actually function!
When they begin to feel their needs met once more, they'll most likely begin to go out of their way to fulfill yours!
That's a Win-Win situation!
A great marriage is really about serving each other and striving to meet the needs of your spouse. The problem is that all too often, because we don't understand each other, we don't know how to fill those needs!
Think about this. Have you ever tried to do something really nice for your spouse, maybe even something that you really put a lot of thought and effort into, only to have them not appreciate it? Or worse yet, to express anger or frustration about it?
Believe it or not, situations like this happen all too often in most marriages.
If we have a divorce rate that is somewhere near the 50% mark in our country, what does that tell us about how many truly great marriages exist out there?
If 50% of us are giving up and calling it quits, how many others are just taking an attitude of tolerance or an uneasy truce just for the sake of the kids or simply because we believe in honoring our commitments?
News flash - Marriage was meant to be a rich, rewarding and fulfilling experience! Notice we didn't say simple and easy! It really can be for everyone if we will get serious about learning and applying the principles that govern the dynamics of every relationship out there!
Our spouses are really not that difficult to understand if we will first realize that they just plain don't think the same way that we do! But each person has their own unique way of seeing the world and if we will learn some true principles, we can begin to see how they operate and appreciate the unique strengths that they bring to the relationship!
What happens normally is that, because nobody has ever taught us the basic principles of human relationships and interactions, we try to just slide right through life operating on the same level or with the same blueprint that we managed to get along with growing up at home. Usually, that just leaves us grasping at straws because this new person comes into the relationship with their own very unique background and mode of operation in place! Their own blueprint!
For this to make sense, suppose that 2 different people were assigned to build a house together. The only problem is that they were handed 2 different sets of blueprints to build it from!
Can you imagine the chaos? Think about the potential for conflict in that situation. Now think about this question. Which one of them would be right? And which one would be wrong? Is there really a correct answer to that?
Amazingly, that's exactly how most of us enter this game called marriage and family! Each with our own different set of blueprints! When we understand that and can then sit down together and compare notes, we are going to find that each set of prints has some really great features that we want to include in the finished product and that's when we can begin to understand why we are each seeing things so differently!
We really can show you how to lay each others set of prints out on the table so we can examine them in detail and really begin to understand what makes the other person tick!
Come and learn with a couple who has been blessed with a successful marriage but who has not been content to stop there! We wanted to find out why parts of our relationship were going well but others were definitely not.
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our relationship and ideas that we can share with others who want a better home life too!
There really are several basic principles that govern having a great marriage! The problem is that nobody has ever gathered them together to teach them to us in a way that is clear and effective!
That's our mission here at The Marriage and Family Mentoring Program! It really does MAKE SENSE!
If you have been intrigued by the discussion so far, take some time to dig into several of our older blog posts under the Family "category" on the right hand side bar where we discuss many of the different principles in more detail. If you find that helpful, then contact us about attending one of our Marriage and Family Mentoring Workshops or you can purchase the audio version of the workshop so that you can listen to it over and over again to be sure that you really grasp the principles that we teach!
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