Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Easy Way Out

I actually read two different thoughts this morning that really struck me! The first one was a quote that said, "Easy is the comrade of the timid!"

The second thought is that we are who we are, where we are and what we are today because of only two things, our thoughts and our choices!

It's too "easy" to blame all of those things on circumstances, other people, discrimination, our parents, the president, the list goes on and on. But the reality is that we are where we are today because of a series of thought patterns and choices that we have made that brought us here.

If we see our opportunities as limited, we need to look within ourselves for the solution rather than blame the world!
I read the story this morning of twin brothers whose father was an alcoholic. One became a drunk, the other became a highly successful businessman.

When asked why, each gave exactly the same answer, "Because my father was a drunk!"

What was the difference? Each one had a very different set of thoughts and choices towards exactly the same set of circumstances! Their thought patterns governed the ultimate outcomes in their lives based upon how they chose to view their circumstances.

One said, "See my heritage... I have no choice here."

The others response was, "Now I know exactly what I don't want to be like!"

I'll wrap up with this thought. If we always strive to take the easy path, our life will get more and more difficult over the years! But should we choose the more difficult path now with all of it's obstacles and challenges, our life will get easier and more rewarding as the years go by! Not that the nature of things will change, but that our ability to master the situations will increase dramatically!

Success in any endeavor always has a price that cannot be bargained! Happiness comes from finding out what that price is and willingly paying it ASAP!

Have an awesome day!

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