We do not learn anything of value "all at once" but rather one piece at a time, a little bit here and another nugget there. Till after time we find that all of our accumulated learning and experiences begins to add up to wisdom in our lives.
A mentor of mine once told me that if I wasn't reading in the quest for new insights on a daily basis, that after a week or two, I wouldn't have anything of real value to contribute to a conversation.
That really caused me to think!
Hmmm... But what about all that stuff that I learned before?
The problem with not seeking new understanding daily is that we begin to rely on ourselves as our ultimate source of wisdom. The weakness in that approach is that we can never see above the level that we're at without someone else lifting us up to where we have a better "view".
Without the constant input from other sources not only can we not see any higher up the mountain, but we can't help but slide backwards. When we are not seeking wisdom and truth all the time, we begin to make judgements based on our emotions which are a very flimsy foundation to build on.
I believe that one of the reasons that so many screwy things come out of politics is that our politicians have stopped seeking wisdom and truth and are making their decisions based on the emotions of the moment.
If we're not constantly seeking wisdom and truth we just naturally fall victim to "Chicken Little Syndrome"!
The sky is always falling and we have to do something drastic about it now or something catastrophic will surely happen!
Look up! The sky is where it has always been!
What are the principles and truths that govern that constantness? Let's learn to live by them!
There is wisdom within you just waiting to be exposed to the great ideas of the ages! Start letting it in!
Have a great day!
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