Am I crazy?
If I didn't have Mondays my life would be 1/7 less fulfilling! That's unacceptable! After a great weekend of charging my batteries I can hit the ground running! Yeah I probably am crazy but that's a personal problem.

Had a great thought on Saturday!
What do you want to be great at?
I didn't say greater than anyone else. I just said what do YOU want to be great at?
Happiness comes in the pursuit of excellence!
You don't have to be excellent at everything. (In fact you can't) But find your talents and magnify and expand on them! It's even more effective if you can serve someone else in the process.
Pursuing excellence in serving others with your God given talents is living your purpose. There is nothing more exhilarating than that!
It's like that feeling of standing at the top of a mountain that you have just climbed with the wind in your face taking in an incredible vista that can be seen from nowhere else!
Whew, was that philosophical or what???
Learn to hold the bar high on yourself!
That thought just keeps bouncing around in my head since I read it this morning!
It's something that I want to remind myself of constantly! It's way too easy to slip back into the rut of just doing what it takes to get by. Become a person who pursues excellence in everything that is important to you!
Raise the bar on yourself and when you reach that level, bump it up another notch! Never become content with what you have achieved in the past.
Be pleased with your successes but use them as building blocks towards the next level of accomplishment! We will never be perfect at everything here, but why not pick something that matters and strive for excellence at it?
Thanks to those around me who set the example of excellence in their lives!
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