
This concept of blueprints (or paradigms) and truth is the flagship principle that we use in our teaching here at That Makes Sense!

If you are truly looking for the guidelines on how to really Live A Great Life, then it is critical to understand the concept of Blueprints!

Have you ever heard the old saying that "you are exactly where you are today because that is the world your thoughts have created for you"?

That might be a really hard pill for you to swallow, especially if you feel like you have been hurt by someone else's actions. But everything I've ever studied and every bit of logic and reasoning says that if I can set the emotions aside and take a good hard look at the situation, I'll find that some action of mine will have at a bare minimum have put me in the wrong place at the wrong time. Does that always make you guilty of wrong doing? Nope, but our thought process did play a role in what happened to us.

Besides that, if we aren't willing to take responsibility for our current situation, then we are powerless to change it! We are in effect giving control of our lives over to someone else, maybe even to the person who hurt us! Nobody really consciously wants to do that do they? No Way!

So to start with, let's explore how we got here in the first place.


Each of us is the owner and steward of one of the most fantastic pieces of equipment ever created! It's called a brain! Now most of us are at least aware that our brain operates on both a conscious and a subconscious level.

The subconscious is literally millions of times more powerful than the conscious mind so it behooves us to pay some serious attention to what it can do and what it gets fed!

Over the course of our lifetime, our brain has stored every single piece of information it has received into an elaborate filing system. All of this data has been organized into an imaginary picture of what our life is supposed to look like today. That picture is what we call a Blueprint!

Our personal blueprint (or paradigm) determines how we act and react in every situation that presents itself in our lives. does it by default if we don't understand what's going on! Did you ever wonder how you learned to act in a situation where you have never had any specific training, like a marriage or parenting situation for instance? It comes, by default, from your blueprint!

So by way of explanation, let's talk about real life blueprints here.

If you have ever had any connection with a construction project, you know that a blueprint is an elaborate drawing with all kinds of intricate details which the builder follows to successfully construct exactly what the customer wants. Therefore what the architect creates on paper gets exactly reproduced in real life. Interestingly, think about this. It actually gets created spiritually or mentally, before it gets created physically!

So whenever we come up against any situation in our lives that requires us to think or act, our subconscious goes back to it's blueprint of our life and asks,'"based upon everything that has happened in my past, how am I supposed to act or react in this situation in order to perfectly replicate what shows up on my blueprint?"

Then it goes to great lengths to make sure that we behave exactly in line with that picture that it sees!

The thing that gets us into trouble is that most of us are unaware that this is going on so we are operating in "default mode". Most of our actions or reactions are based on the things that were modeled for us in the past, whether good or bad!

That just goes to show we can get ourselves into so much trouble and not even know how we got there!

So why does this blueprint lead us to results that we are not happy with? It's because it is just a random jumble of information. The subconscious doesn't have any real way to judge the validity or importance of every new piece of information that it receives except to compare it to what it already has.

Therefore our blueprints are very often interlaced with random bits of false information that distort the picture and produce flawed results usually at some very inconvenient times!

So can we fix our blueprints and therefore change the outcomes to something much more favorable to us? Yes!


This is where we launch into a discussion that the world at large seems to be rebelling against today and where those who do, stand to do a lot of damage to themselves and those around them.

There is an entire group of people in the world today who want you to believe that there is no such thing as  absolute truth, that all truth is relevant in some way or another. It's actually a very sad and even dangerous way of thinking because it can cause its adherents to get faulty results when they chose to ignore  the basic laws of cause and effect.

The argument contains within itself the very seeds of its own defeat. Can you be absolutely sure that there are no absolute truths? No you can't, because then you would have to declare an absolute to uphold your argument! Seems pretty simple to me.

Besides the only reason to attempt to defend the concept would be to justify ones desire to try to live in a way that violated a time proven principle and get away without the natural consequences that follow every natural truth!

So how does this idea of true principles fit into the concept of blueprints?

First you have to understand the law of cause and effect. No effect ever happens without a cause and every cause (or truth) brings about a definite effect (or consequence).

Think of the calculations necessary to properly construct one of the giant concrete pillars that supports a typical overhead roadway such as a giant freeway interchange like we see in many cities. There are all sorts of facts, figures, evaluations, tests, excavations, numbers, etc that have to go into an equation like that.

Imagine now that the engineer gathered together all of his data and ran his calculations, then sent his blueprints out to the job site. At the site, the dutiful and trusting contractor follows them to a "T" and builds the concrete pillar. After the work is all done and all the workers are gone home and the roadway is in use, somebody discovers that one of the critical calculation factors was vastly understated!

Now what happens? This pillar that we were all so excited about, even though it appears perfectly sound looking on the outside, now turns out to be completely defective and in danger of hurting someone!

Why? Because what somebody thought to be a truth turned out to be a faulty piece of the equation and it completely ruined the entire outcome of the equation!

That is exactly what happens when our subconscious grabs our blueprint and it contains a faulty piece of information! We end up getting results that don't come anywhere near to what we expected!

How do we solve this problem with our personal blueprints? We have to dig into our thought process and locate whatever pieces of false information that may be lodged in there and replace them with truth so that the calculations can now run correctly to produce the desired results!

In short we must learn to modify our flawed behaviors by learning true principles and applying them in our lives!

Where do we find them? By becoming hungry students and seeking out mentors who have better results than ours!

As I'm sure you can tell, this subject and its explanation can become very involved. I encourage you to dig into the info here on our site by going through some of our archived blog posts on the subject of Blueprints/Truth at this link. Also look for the audios available at our store front on this topic. There is always more to learn!

Remember that at least 50% of winning any battle in the personal development game is to just begin to understand that a principle exists and how it is affecting the outcomes in your life!  

Awareness is the first key to change!

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