The reason most people have trouble making decisions is that they don't know what their purpose is. When you know your purpose you hold every decision up against it. If it moves your purpose forward, it's a good decision. If it doesn't, don't do it!
(paraphrased from Lou Holtz college football coach)
Everyone of us is unique! We come here with different physical attributes, personalities, talents and gifts than any other human being on the planet!
Why weren't all created exactly the same? The answer is that we need the unique combination of each person's gifts in order to make this the best possible place to live! Each one of us has something important to contribute! The problem is that many of us never discover what what that purpose is.
Why were you put here? What will be your unique gift to the world? What is your mission?
Most of the time the answer is not blatantly obvious. It may even be hidden beneath some of your more obvious talents or passions.
Take for instance someone who is gifted with great athletic ability. Is their purpose to become a top notch pro athlete and perform on the world stage for 10-15 years? Maybe. But what happens after that? They still have many years of productive life ahead of them. If they have already fulfilled their purpose, what do they do with the rest of their life?
Better yet, if you could find your real purpose in life and combine it with a sense of passion and then tie it all together the ability to make a profit, can you imagine what a wonderful career that would make?
So how do you figure out what it is?
First of all, I can't possibly go through the whole process here on just one web page, but I will give you some clues to start thinking about. Then I will recommend to you a great program that my wife Penny has developed called "The Finding Your Purpose Program."
Start by asking yourself these questions and pondering on them deeply.
What are my unique talents and skills?
What am I passionate about?
What are my core values?
How do these ideas serve others?
Interestingly, your purpose will ALWAYS involve other people! So for instance, there is no such thing as a purpose being to be a self serving miser and accumulate everything you can for yourself. There's nothing wrong with wealth per se as long as it is received from and utilized in the service of others.
Incidentally, if you are a person of faith, pondering on these questions and investing a significant amount of prayer in them will also help you to clarify your answers more completely.
Discovering your purpose can open up all kinds of direction for you to take with your life. It can also be a great deciding factor in which directions not to take! Both of those can be extremely useful in our lives!
I've included a link here to some other great blog posts on this topic of purpose. Be sure to take some time and see what you might learn there!
I highly encourage you to go over to our store front and pick up Penny's "Finding Your Purpose Program" and get started digging into what your purpose really is!
It is a highly detailed, step by step program that will lead you through the process to find out what it is that really drives your life and what exactly you were put here to accomplish!
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