Sometimes... yeah, sometimes you just gotta do it! Here's the quote of the day, stolen from my friend Mike who stole it from someone else! Are you ready? C'mon now this is serious! Here we go!
"Sometimes your knight in shining armor...is really just a retard in tin foil!"
Baaa Haaa Ha! I almost fell off of my chair laughing! I had to share that one with Penny! Funny though, she didn't laugh quite so hard as I did...Hmmm? JK!
Just had another funny thought come up...what a great quote for Father's Day!
Sorry ladies, all too often, our horsey runs off and we find that our beautiful shining armor of bullet proof steel, turns out to be...well...tin foil! (or for some of us rednecks).... Camo!
Please... just be grateful it's not PINK!
We're working on it!
The problem is most of us are not master metal smiths, and when Old Nellie bucks us off, we get dents in our armor, wrinkles in our tinfoil, and rips in our Camo!
Please...just keep remembering it's not PINK...or mauve!!!
Since most of us aren't master metal smith's, we usually find ourselves out in the garage trying to beat it back into some semblance of shape, or we're down at the army surplus store trying to find a replacement!
The problem is that second hand steel shorts don't always fit as well as nice custom made stuff! Ever get a steel wedgie? (Or even a tinfoil one for that matter)
Please just keep remembering, we're working on it...and it's not PINK!
The neat thing is, that if our princesses are patient with us and will build us up instead of putting us down, mankind has a remarkable faculty for getting better with age! For some reason, maturity often takes much longer with males but...it can happen!
So finally one day, at some distant point in time, you will be able to look out your window and see your knight in shining armor come riding up to your castle, all gallant and fully polished! (We finally found a master metal smith who could mold us into the kind of man you've been dreaming of all these years!)
Please just remember, we're always working on it... it doesn't come easy...it's definitely not PINK, and the cool thing about Shining Armor... It's great for hiding bald heads, wrinkles, bifocals, sagging pecs, 6 paks full of jelly, skinny legs, Depends, iron wedgies, fallen arches, ingrown toe nails, all of the stuffing required to fill out that armor, and hide the training wheels on Old Nellie!

We love you princess, just the way you are!
Sorry for the digression! I just had to do that! I thought it was funny!
At least the tinfoil and iron wedgies part!
Have an awesome day!