I was pondering the other day why some people have such interesting belief systems in place in their lives.
I end up in discussions frequently with people who hold some really strong opinions about some thing or another only to find out that, if they really thought about what they were saying, that idea is not consistent with everything else that they say they believe.
It's interesting how easy it is to hold different subjects to different standards in our lives.
It's the old "Double Standard" idea. Or maybe "Riding the Fence".
I guess what it really boils down to is a saying that I love from a guy I listen to alot named Tim Marks, "I'm not going to try to tell you what to believe, I'm just saying to make sure you know WHY you believe WHAT you do believe!"
Sometimes when we really get down and think about what our beliefs are on any given subject, we should ask ourselves why we believe that way?
For instance, if we think that doing a certain thing is right or wrong, let's stop and look at the logic behind what we're saying and see if it's consistent with everything else we believe in life? Or are we just following a crowd of some sort?
Think about alot of our hot political topics today. Much of our conflict arises because some of us want to apply a certain standard of reasoning in this situation and that one but not in the rest of our lives.
It's okay to do this or that but if we dress the situation in different clothes we'd never agree to it!
Often it's OK for one segment of the people to verbally attack another, but if the second group responds in a like manner, they are accused of bigotry, hatred or fear-mongering, etc.
So let's make sure we are applying the same standards to all of our beliefs.
Seeking for truth is a much more healthy way to live than to have our poor subconcious mind trying to figure out our double standards and keep them straight!
Seeking for truth is a much more healthy way to live than to have our poor subconcious mind trying to figure out our double standards and keep them straight!
Think about the why behind your beliefs and always seek for truth. Your life will go much smoother!
Have an awesome day!
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