I read one of the greatest paragraphs this morning describing why I feel that way. Thought I'd share it with you.
It's from Og Mandino's book, "The Greatest Miracle In The World". Here it is.
"For countless centuries man compared his mind to a garden. Seneca said that soil, no matter how rich, could not be productive without cultivation and neither could our minds. Sir Joshua Reynolds wrote that our mind was only barren soil, soon exhausted and unproductive unless it was continually fertilized with new ideas. And James Allen, in his monumental classic, 'As A Man Thinketh', wrote that a man's mind was like a garden which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild, but whether cultivated or neglected, it would produce. If no useful seeds were planted, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds would fall into the land, and the results would be wrong, useless, harmful and impure plants. In other words, whatever we allow to enter our minds will always bear fruit.
"Now (today) man is comparing his mind to a computer but his conclusions are the same as Seneca's and the others. The computer people have a phrase, actually an acronym, 'GIGO'...Garbage In, Garbage Out.' If one puts faulty information into a computer, out will come faulty answers."
Wow! Kind of hard to say it any better than that!
How often do we run into people who are spouting off "Faulty Information" and seem to be totally unaware of it? Could it be that they have allowed some "Useless Weed Seeds" to aimlessly fall into their minds and sprout and multiply into faulty conclusions?
The worst thing is that people like that don't even recognize that it is happening to them. They are content to go around embarrassing themselves unwittingly.
There is tremendous power in continually seeking for truth and filling your garden with the wisdom of the ages!
Have an awesome day!
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