One of the most powerful principles I've ever learned is called the "power of association" It says you become like those you most associate with!
Are the people we spend the most time with the types who are always encouraging us to excel at whatever we are trying to accomplish? Or do we spend our time with "friends" who are constantly telling us that we can't accomplish something because we are "this"... or we are "that"?
Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, find someone who already has it or something like it and will be your cheerleader or mentor and spend as much time around them as possible!
Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, find someone who already has it or something like it and will be your cheerleader or mentor and spend as much time around them as possible!
Things will begin to change when you put yourself in an "Atmosphere of Achievement"!
You can do anything you set your mind to! If you are surrounded by people who try to tell you otherwise...RUN!
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