All right everybody! Back to kindergarten! Or maybe back to Barney! Yeah the purple dinosaur!
Incidentally that's not back for me it's forward...and yes, I realize that makes me older than a dinosaur!
Please and Thank You ARE the magic words!
I was reading this morning about the power of sincerely using the words Thank You daily as often as possible! Seems to me that this is getting to be more and more of a lost art. My kids mumble it like it tastes bad and I see so many of us adults forget to say it on a daily basis that it amazes me!
This goes along so well with the idea of praising people that we talked about yesterday! Think about how it makes you feel when someone sincerely tells you thanks, sometimes even when you didn't totally deserve it!
When someone gives you credit for a great idea and thanks you for it, doesn't that just make you want to perform a little bit better next time! I know it does me!
I think that saying Please goes a long way towards changing our orders into requests too! Especially with our spouse and kids!
Big weakness there for this Dad! How about you?
Seems to me like for some reason we have really gotten away from these simple little common courtesies.
Please, Thank You, Good Job! All are great motivators and definitely build people up which is always a good thing!
Common courtesy, it's a good old fashioned value we need to build back up!
By the way, a big THANK YOU to all of you for your positive feed back and compliments on my posts! It's tremendously rewarding to interact with all of you!
Have an awesome day!
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