Great road trip!
30 hrs each way to Columbus, OH and back for a Leadership Conference with 3 friends!
Just for fun, I thought I'd share some of the highlights of what I learned. Some of my favorite thoughts.
When most people think of conventions, they think of a lot of rah-rah and hoopla. The reality is that there are some people out there who are combining some real, useful and practical wisdom with their fun too! Check out some of these neat thoughts!
First of all, why does studying leadership appeal to me so much? Well here's a definition that I really like that is really why I choose to pursue it myself.
"True leadership is the search for and application of truth in every area of your life. It's learning to live a principle driven life and influencing others to do the same."
I want to learn to be the most effective that I can at doing that. I still have a long way to go but hey that's what this life allows me to do.
Favorite thoughts:
Our cause is to lead people to truth!
Dreams come a size too big so that there's room to grow into them!
Change your label!
The fruits of the current starvation of our souls and minds from spiritual and mental nourishment are the social problems we are dealing with today!
All of the pundit's solutions we're hearing today are merely hacking at the leaves of the problem instead of digging out the roots!
God will put the right people in your path, but if you're not on the path yourself, you'll never run into them!
Until now there has not been an education system that teaches people how to recognize problems and solve them effectively. new ideas equip you to solve the problems in your life and help others to also!
This team will take responsibility for solving the problems of the world rather than passsing the buck to someone else!
Issues don't solve themselves, leaders do!
The more I read, the more I realized how messed up my thinking was. It was liberating!
The ability to fail and not quit is what creates lasting success!
I would rather be a player on a winning team, than the quarterback of a losing one!
An improved you is our product!
We're in a media war!
You're a champion the minute you leave it all on the field!
Let go of the "good" and grab the "great"!
Leadership is about standing in the gap!
A leader goes into battle when he knows a principle is in danger!
"Not on our watch!"
If you think your marriage is "OK", be sure to ask yourself if it's possible that Satan is blinding you to the whole truth!
How can we expect our wife to feel like a queen if we are treating her like a serf?
If our kids think they are the center of the universe, we're setting them up for massive failure later in life!
Guys, you are the quarterback in your homes. You are responsible , win or lose! You call the plays!
You can't correct your spouse to a successful marriage!
Marriage is something that you DO instead of something that you HAVE!
I'm grateful to be part of an organization dedicated to helping us get better in every area of our lives!
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