In case you guys haven't figured out, I'm big on continually educating yourself!
I read one of the greatest paragraphs this morning describing why I feel that way. Thought I'd share it with you.
It's from Og Mandino's book, "The Greatest Miracle In The World". Here it is.
"For countless centuries man compared his mind to a garden. Seneca said that soil, no matter how rich, could not be productive without cultivation and neither could our minds. Sir Joshua Reynolds wrote that our mind was only barren soil, soon exhausted and unproductive unless it was continually fertilized with new ideas. And James Allen, in his monumental classic, 'As A Man Thinketh', wrote that a man's mind was like a garden which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild, but whether cultivated or neglected, it would produce. If no useful seeds were planted, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds would fall into the land, and the results would be wrong, useless, harmful and impure plants. In other words, whatever we allow to enter our minds will always bear fruit.
"Now (today) man is comparing his mind to a computer but his conclusions are the same as Seneca's and the others. The computer people have a phrase, actually an acronym, 'GIGO'...Garbage In, Garbage Out.' If one puts faulty information into a computer, out will come faulty answers."
Wow! Kind of hard to say it any better than that!
How often do we run into people who are spouting off "Faulty Information" and seem to be totally unaware of it? Could it be that they have allowed some "Useless Weed Seeds" to aimlessly fall into their minds and sprout and multiply into faulty conclusions?
The worst thing is that people like that don't even recognize that it is happening to them. They are content to go around embarrassing themselves unwittingly.
There is tremendous power in continually seeking for truth and filling your garden with the wisdom of the ages!
Have an awesome day!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Penny and I were discussing a book we've been reading this morning. As we talked, I realized that anther idea was coming into focus! I was doing some research yesterday on marriage and divorce and came across something again that just seems to keep popping up.
It's this idea that when we encounter something we perceive as wrong, our natural human tendency is to over-react and go way too far in the opposite direction! What we should really be doing is searching for the truth and what is right.
We will never solve the problem by over-reacting to it, only by finding truth and applying the right answer!
I'll give you come potentially controversial examples because they clearly illustrate the point. Which is again, that aligning ourselves with truth is the only solution that ever completely solves the problem.
So let's look at three different situations that clearly illustrate what I'm talking about, that we are all familiar with.
First, a typical sibling clash at home. Second, the proper relationship of a husband and a wife in a marriage. Third, slavery and discrimination. Or almost any other social issue that we routinely argue about today!
In almost all of these issues, you will find the majority of people completely polarized on one side of the issue or the other, rather than seeking the truth, which normally lies somewhere in between!
Let's look at the typical fight or argument between our kids at home and then see if we have actually "grown up" as we examine the other two!
Typically, at my house, when I hear an argument start to escalate or someone start to cry, it goes something like this:
Waaah, he hit me! (a wrong action) Why? I don't know. I didn't do ANYTHING! (not quite the whole truth)
To the other sibling: Why did you hit him? He hit me first! I did not! It was an accident! Yes you did! He hit me on purpose! I did not! You did too! You were trying to hurt me! (still following me or do you already have this memorized?)
What really happened (the truth): "A" accidentally bumps into "B" maybe causing some pain or other problem. (original wrong action) "B" reacts with anger and revenge and hits back (usually harder) causing a downward spiraling fight or argument (over-reaction). Where was the truth? Who cares? As long as I get satisfied.
The reality is that the truth and the solution that would have made all parties happy was somewhere in the middle!
What about the proper relationship between husbands and wives in a marriage?
For centuries and maybe even millenia, misguided men and even entire cultures have treated women as second class citizens and even worse sometimes. (definitely a wrong action) Today we have morphed right through the push to get women equal rights and fair treatment into many women trying to treat men as second class citizens and neanderthals (over-reaction).
The real truth and the solution that brings real happiness and successful marriages is somewhere in the middle.
How about slavery and discrimination? Touchy subject? It doesn't have to be if we seek for truth and what is right here too.
Many of us, whether black, brown, red, yellow, or white, have ancestors who were slaves at one time or another in history. (an absolute wrong) What happens all too often in our world today is that we way over-react and although we all enjoy political freedom, we tend to divide ourselves up in groups and look down our noses at each other still. (another over-reaction)
The truth and the right solution lies somewhere in the middle again!
When are we all going to grow up and stop acting like little children and start looking for and acting on true principles that will lead all of us to happiness and success as a country?
The only way for us to overcome these problems is for us to understand that true happiness only comes when we put ourselves in harmony with the true principles that govern this universe! The funny thing is you can even enjoy the happiness that comes from this harmony without consciously aligning yourself with a principle! A principle yields results when followed simply because it exists! Interesting!
Put yourself on a lifelong quest for truth and act accordingly and your life will be constantly moving in an upward direction! But choose to try to fight against the truth and life will be a constant downward spiral!
Have a great day!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Divorce Statistics Translation!
We regularly hear that according to current statistics the divorce rate in our country is somewhere around the 50% mark.
That in and of itself is quite a sad commentary on the state of the value we place on marriage in our culture. But I believe it actually only tells part of the story.
Here are some other related factors to consider:
Out of that 50% who have divorced, how many of them went into marriage with an attitude of "We'll just see if this works out. If not, no big deal. We'll just go our separate ways"?
Then again, how many thought it was a joke or a whim in the first place? Zero sense of commitment or responsibility?
Then, how many went in with truly high hopes of a happy future of wedded bliss for the rest of their lives? Only to decide down the road somewhere that they were just totally "incompatible" or something similar?
Now on the flip side, let's look at the 50% who are staying married.
How many of those would honestly say that they have a truly great and fulfilling marriage? And how many of them are just tolerating each other to one degree or another for the "sake of the kids" or the commitment they've made?
Let's think of this in terms of a pie chart with some admittedly made up statistics here for the sake of an illustration.
Visualize a circle for your pie chart. If 50% of the marriages end in divorce, then we'll split it right down the center to form 2 halves, married on the right, divorced on the left.
Now let's divide up the divorced side.
Let's say that maybe 10% of those started out with zero sense of commitment to the concept of marriage in the first place. It was just something that sounded fun to do for a little while, but when we hit any bumps in the road at all, "we're outa here."
I'm going to put another 15% into the category of "yeah I like this person and it would be nice if it works out, so let's try it for awhile and see."
That leaves (and I'd bet this is fairly accurate) somewhere around 25% of divorcees who really wanted their marriage to work and intended that it should, but for whatever reason, they just couldn't figure out the correct dynamics. (Remember this group)
Next let's split up the married side:
I'd guess that there are maybe 10% of marriages that, if asked for a serious evaluation, would honestly say that they have a truly great and totally fulfilling marriage.
There will be another 15% or so who would describe their marriage as good, with some bumps here and there, but nothing real serious.
That leaves another 25% that are "tolerating" each other to a lesser or greater degree.
Out of that 50% who have divorced, how many of them went into marriage with an attitude of "We'll just see if this works out. If not, no big deal. We'll just go our separate ways"?
Then again, how many thought it was a joke or a whim in the first place? Zero sense of commitment or responsibility?
Then, how many went in with truly high hopes of a happy future of wedded bliss for the rest of their lives? Only to decide down the road somewhere that they were just totally "incompatible" or something similar?
Now on the flip side, let's look at the 50% who are staying married.
How many of those would honestly say that they have a truly great and fulfilling marriage? And how many of them are just tolerating each other to one degree or another for the "sake of the kids" or the commitment they've made?
Let's think of this in terms of a pie chart with some admittedly made up statistics here for the sake of an illustration.
Visualize a circle for your pie chart. If 50% of the marriages end in divorce, then we'll split it right down the center to form 2 halves, married on the right, divorced on the left.
Now let's divide up the divorced side.
Let's say that maybe 10% of those started out with zero sense of commitment to the concept of marriage in the first place. It was just something that sounded fun to do for a little while, but when we hit any bumps in the road at all, "we're outa here."
I'm going to put another 15% into the category of "yeah I like this person and it would be nice if it works out, so let's try it for awhile and see."
That leaves (and I'd bet this is fairly accurate) somewhere around 25% of divorcees who really wanted their marriage to work and intended that it should, but for whatever reason, they just couldn't figure out the correct dynamics. (Remember this group)
Next let's split up the married side:
I'd guess that there are maybe 10% of marriages that, if asked for a serious evaluation, would honestly say that they have a truly great and totally fulfilling marriage.
There will be another 15% or so who would describe their marriage as good, with some bumps here and there, but nothing real serious.
That leaves another 25% that are "tolerating" each other to a lesser or greater degree.
Maybe it's just an acceptable situation that may not be too bad, but it's not fun, enjoyable, rewarding or fulfilling anymore. But hey, we made a commitment and we intend to keep it come heck or high water!
It ranges from that all the way down to "we can't stand each other anymore but we're staying together for the kid's sake."
What this whole exercise in statistics tells me is, (First, about 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot to support your conclusion!!!) actually that we may be focusing on a smoke screen when we're looking at the divorce stats!
I believe that there are a huge percentage of marriages that we could save and repair and take to a whole new level of fulfillment if we could just teach them the unchanging principles that govern and lead to great marital relationships!
Will we save them all? I'm not that naive! But when you have 2 people of goodwill who just aren't getting along but really wish that they could, there is a huge reservoir of hope, if we could just teach them a few basic principles that most people never learn or are never even exposed to!
Here at the Marriage Mentors Workshops we teach 5 different core principles that govern success in any relationship you have but especially in your marriage!
So where ever you may find yourself on our "Pie Chart", if you are a person of goodwill, we invite you to come mentor with us!
It ranges from that all the way down to "we can't stand each other anymore but we're staying together for the kid's sake."
What this whole exercise in statistics tells me is, (First, about 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot to support your conclusion!!!) actually that we may be focusing on a smoke screen when we're looking at the divorce stats!
I believe that there are a huge percentage of marriages that we could save and repair and take to a whole new level of fulfillment if we could just teach them the unchanging principles that govern and lead to great marital relationships!
Will we save them all? I'm not that naive! But when you have 2 people of goodwill who just aren't getting along but really wish that they could, there is a huge reservoir of hope, if we could just teach them a few basic principles that most people never learn or are never even exposed to!
Here at the Marriage Mentors Workshops we teach 5 different core principles that govern success in any relationship you have but especially in your marriage!
So where ever you may find yourself on our "Pie Chart", if you are a person of goodwill, we invite you to come mentor with us!
Learn from someone who has been able to take our marriage to a whole new level of fulfillment because we learned some new principles and began to apply them in our marriage and family!
Come visit our Marriage Mentors Workshops blog for more info @
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Great road trip!
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