I've been reading a book lately on people skills, something I think we can all use some help with!
It's from Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"The measure of mental health is the disposition to find a good everywhere!"
The book calls it a "simple formula" for happiness!
"This deliberate looking for the good things in others has a miraculous effect upon ourselves. It takes our minds off ourselves. Makes us less self-conscious. Less self-righteous. More tolerant and understanding."
He Quotes a doctor who says, "That this simple technique has literally worked miracles in curing his readers of all sorts of worry, fears, and the depression."
"Several years ago a number of psychologists got together to see whether they could come up with some one simple rule that would help people live happier lives, with more peace of mind. They came up with a formula called SFF, which seemed to work miracles.
The letters stand for Stop Finding Fault."
"One of the sure earmarks of virtually all neurotic, unhappy people, they found, was that they were overly critical.
They deliberately looked for things to find fault with.
Yet, when they changed their attitude, and began looking for good things in people around them and in their circumstances, their own happiness greatly increased."
I thought that the author said this so clearly that I'd better just quote him. It's from the book; "How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People" by Les Giblin. This book definitely makes my "Recommended Reading List!"
Hope you have a great day! Remember to look for the good in it and your day will be great!
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