Don't let your yesterdays screw up your todays! Here's a great quote from a book I'm reading -
"I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday. They insist on bringing into today the failures of yesterday and in so doing, they pollute a potentially wonderful day...The best thing we can do with the failures of the past is to let them be history...We can choose to live today free from the failures of yesterday."
From - "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
How often do we let our yesterdays rule our todays and even our tomorrows? We need to learn the true power of forgiveness.
When we forgive others and even ourselves it gives us the freedom to start each new day at zero or in the positive instead of the negative. It frees us from the burden of having to drag around our bag of misfortunes, hurt, injuries and failures with us from day to day.
Talk about getting a monkey off your back!!! Why don't we drop that bag like it was radioactive waste and get away from it instead of cuddling up to it like we can't live without it?
Unburden, clean house, start fresh, forgive, learn the necessary lessons and move on!
Think about how much better our marriages, our jobs and businesses, our families and so many other things in our lives could be if we would just practice this principle!
Have a great new day!
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