What is amazing to me is that, often with a really good book, even though you may have read it multiple times, it all seems like fresh material again. I know that I have read this one at least twice before within the last several years, and yet so many things that he was teaching really struck me as though they were completely new this time around!
The book is titled: How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People by Les Giblin.
When you have a group of widely read multi-millionaires like the Policy Council at TEAM/LIFE who recommend a book like this as one of their Top 5 books of all time for you to read and reread, I think that speaks volumes for the caliber of what it contains! That's how I came to be curious about it several years ago.
In my opinion, this is probably one of the most comprehensive books on how develop human relationships that I have ever read! It only lacks one key principle as far as I'm concerned. That is that I believe that a serious study of Personality Styles is a critical prerequisite to anyone who wants to learn how to be more effective with people.
Other than that concept you could literally spend a whole year in a serious study of the concepts in this book. Each chapter addresses a specific topic and is broken down into several different ideas and illustrations of how to apply it.
One of the key things that makes a truly great book is its readability. This one has it over the top! He has a simple writing style. He avoids using big, hard to understand words and illustrates his principles with stories and anecdotes instead of facts and figures.
One of the key principles that stood out to me this time was the concept of Accept, Approve, Appreciate. Learning to give away these gifts to other people is one of the most powerful and empowering skills that you can learn in your lifetime!
Go pick up a copy at your local bookstore, Amazon or contact me!
Have an awesome day!
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