Thursday, July 5, 2012

Try It, You'll Like It!

I am always amazed at the way that God can teach us the most incredible lessons from some of the most unlikely situations in our lives!

This past weekend Penny and I took a road trip to Arizona to participate in an "All School Reunion" at my Alma mater SSHS and to visit some relatives. As I was thinking about all of the interesting conversations that we had  experienced over the weekend and what I could learn from them, this thought came clearly and strongly into my mind:


Please take time to ponder that thought and consider it's ramifications in your life! It is the clearest description of the lessons I have learned over my lifetime that I can come up with!

Why is this so pertinent to my mission with this blog, to help people Live A Great Life?

How did this "revelation" come about? Both of these questions are very closely related actually.

My mission here is to help people learn the truths of life that will enable them to overcome whatever their obstacles are to finding fulfillment in every area of their lives. The most important thing I can do in that endeavor is to lead them to the most significant sources of truths that I can find.

I have been talking about and promoting this 90 Day Mental Fitness Challenge recently on this blog because I love what it is teaching and how it is enabling so many people to change their lives for the better.

Since I knew we were going to have about 17 hours each way of CD listening time, I loaded all 16 of the MFC CDs onto my Ipod so we could listen to and ponder on them on the way.

WOW! Even with the thousands of talks that I have listened to over the years, there have never been any as powerful as the combination of those 16 together...period!

Sound like I'm giving you a sales pitch? Well I am! I'm trying to sell you on one of the most valuable things I've ever seen, no matter what your chosen direction in life is!

If you paid the $220 for the MFC and threw away everything but those 16 CDs (which would be ridiculous), you would find that by repeatedly listening to them and studying the principles that they are teaching, that you would almost immediately begin moving forward in areas of your life where you have been stalemated, maybe even for years!

Remember my previous statement? The results that we have in every area of our lives are a direct indication of the limits of our knowledge in that area. Start changing the limits of your knowledge right now with this Mental Fitness Challenge!

What was so impressive to me was that as I listened to those CDs as a group, I realized that I would gladly have paid $2200 for what I was learning! In fact, I can see how that over the rest of my lifetime, if you can put a dollar figure on the benefits of a better life in every area that they teach about, that they will ultimately be worth several hundred thousand if not even millions of dollars to me and my family!

I honestly don't think I can overstate the impact that they are already having in our family!

Now, why was this point driven home so deeply on this trip?

Because right as I had finished listening to this information that was impacting my life so deeply, I was getting reacquainted with family and friends who I had not seen for several years. In every case, as we visited, I noticed that each one of them had experienced some successes in some areas of their lives, but every single one also talked about some particular trial they were dealing with.

Like I said before, our trials are a wake-up call for us to realize that "Hey, here is an area where my existing knowledge is limiting my ability to progress in my life!"

So what can we do about it? We can either just keep dealing with whatever our trials are and knuckle under to them (because they aren't just going to go away), or we can acknowledge that we need more wisdom in that area and begin the search for it!

One of my favorite sayings is that "The lesson continues until the lesson is learned!"

God is trying to shape us and mold us into our highest potential and he does it by giving us trials and challenges to show us where our weaknesses are so that we can work on improving ourselves with his help. It all starts with learning new information and then applying it in our lives!

So no matter whether you feel wildly successful in your life or like an utter failure, the information in the 90 Day Mental Fitness Challenge will give you the tools to take your life to a whole new level! Try it! I challenge you! I am!

The link for it is right under our picture on the right hand side. Also be sure to read at least the next three blog posts here. They are all closely related!

Have a great day!

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